Monday, September 26, 2011

DIRECTV Nomad Allows You Watch Recorded Content On Your Mobile Device

DIRECTV Nomad Allows You Watch Recorded Content On Your Mobile Device

The DIRECTV Nomad will be officially announced tomorrow but we'll go ahead and spoil it for you ahead of time. The Nomad allows you to take the recorded content off your DIRECTV DVR and transcode it for transfer to your PC or mobile device. Pretty snazzy if you're always on the go (hence the “Nomad” title). To make those grumpy network execs happy, the Nomad must have an active connection to your DVR and the internet for it to work. If you unplug the Nomad or no longer have a DIRECTV account, all of your saved content will be erased.

Android Phone, DIRECTV Nomad Allows You Watch Recorded Content On Your Mobile Device

1 comment:

  1. The Nomad automatically deletes the record shows after 30 days, the transcoding itself take the same amount of the time as the show, so don't decide to watch anything on a whim, and by mobile devices, we are talking iPhone's and iPad's, no Androids allowed yet, and I remember the teaser page saying something about competition with the sling? Where? One thing as well, Nomads didn't return home every 30 days to get new shows. Streaming to Directv is like Kryptonite to Superman, when customers want streaming Directv gives them limited transcoding. Even working at DISH doesn't come into this decision, if I wasn't working, I would still go with the sling adapter, for one the price, The Nomad is $149.00, the sling adapter is $99(free for new and existing DISH customers with qualification)The Nomad streams nothing, my sling adapter streams every subscribed channel, including my movie channels, and all my recorded shows to my mobile device(androids included) no matter where I am, or when I want them, and I decide when to delete something, not a timer.
